Value Creation Process
Value Creation Framework
We aim to contribute toward the realization of a sustainable society. To enhance both economic and social value and realize our Purpose, we are steadily pursuing initiatives in our four Materiality areas of Human Resources, Technology, Social Responsibility, and Governance.

Human Capital
- Number of hires in Japan
- Employee satisfaction index
- Number of assigned engineers in the Solution Business
- Number of employees undergoing training
Intellectual Capital
- Insight in diverse technical areas
- Expertise in delivering solutions
- Alliance ecosystems
- Expertise in hiring, training, and assigning engineers
Social Capital
- Average monthly orders
- Business locations in Japan
- Number of customers in Japan
Financial Capital
- D/E ratio
- Net worth ratio
- Operating Profit growth
The TechnoPro Group identified important management issues (materiality) that should be prioritized to support and enhance value creation, aiming for sustainable growth through these efforts.
Creating Shared Value with Stakeholders
ResourcesRaising Everyone’s Potential
TechnologyContributing to
Society through
the Power of
ResponsibilityA Trusted Partner
GovernanceA Sustainably Growing Company
Value Creation Strategy
The TechnoPro Group has two major strategies: a growth strategy aimed at creating value and an ESG strategy that supports it. Our growth strategy emphasizes the “quality” of our Core Business, striving to promote business transformation by focusing on “evolution” rather than “diversification,” thereby aiming to expand our business and transform business models in anticipation of medium- to long-term changes in demand.
Meanwhile, our ESG strategy is to promote initiatives for health and productivity management, diversity, and environmental sustainability as well as strengthening governance. Through these efforts, we are building a foundation that supports sustainable value creation.
ESG Strategy to
Support Value Creation
Social Outcomes
By steadily implementing the “Growth Strategy aimed at value creation” described above, the Group strives to increase economic value and achieve its Purpose.

Enhanced Economic Value
Human Resources
- Maximize opportunities for engineers
- Realize diversity and equal opportunity
- Eliminate the shortage of technical personnel
- Promote innovation
- Solve customer issues through technology
Social Responsibility
- Resolve social and environmental issues through customers
- Governance : Pursue sustainability of the above outcomes

Driving the Power of
Technology and Talent to
Co-create Value Together
with our Customers for
a Sustainable Society