Creating a Rewarding Workplace
The TechnoPro Group regards human resources as the source of value creation, and believes creating a fair and comfortable workplace is essential for employees to fully realize their individuality and abilities.
ES survey
In order to identify issues and appropriate measures, we conduct an ES survey (Employee Satisfaction survey) annually. In addition to informing the survey results to employees, we examine and verify the effectiveness of the measures with the following year’s survey, since we regard continuous improvement of employee satisfaction as one of our material issues.
Employee satisfaction (ESG Data Book)Work-life balance
As a “Tokyo Workstyle Reform Declaration Company” approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 2016, we are not only complying with laws and regulations but actively working to eliminate long working hours and promoting to taking paid leave from a viewpoint of work-life balance. Furthermore, we monitor the “paid leave use rate” and “average monthly overtime hours” as material KPIs. In addition, even if our employees face the change of their life stage, we are implementing initiatives enabling flexible and diverse work styles to help them achieve results regardless of their gender. Those initiatives include the development of various systems to support a balance between work and child/nursing care, telecommuting, flextime, and dress code-free.
Babysitter discount coupons
To support employees who work while raising children, the TechnoPro Group has introduced “Babysitter Discount Coupons.” This is supported by the scheme of the “Corporate Babysitter Discount Coupons” program implemented by the Cabinet Office. The Group introduced this system upon the voices of child-rearing employees. We consider it as a part of efforts to create a workplace environment in which employees can work without worry while balancing work and child-rearing.
“Iku-Bosu Corporate Alliance” Membership
We joined the “Iku-Bosu Corporate Alliance” organized by Specified NPO Fathering Japan in March 2022. An “iku-bosu” means a boss (manager or supervisor) who considers the work-life balance of his or her subordinates and supports their career and life, while achieving results for the organization and enjoying his or her own work and personal life. The TechnoPro Group is committed to promoting management based on a deep understanding of diversity and fostering an organizational culture through measures such as training for executives and managers and encouraging male employees to take childcare leave.
“Cancer Ally Club” endorsement
In September 2022, the company announced its endorsement of the “Cancer Ally Club,” a private project that addresses the issue of “cancer and work” faced by those who work while undergoing treatment for cancer. Through measures such as granting leave for outpatient treatment and establishing a care hotline, the TechnoPro Group will create a work environment that makes it easier for employees to receive cancer treatment while working. We named Silver at the Cancer Ally Club Award 2023 for two consecutive years.
Workstyles without depending on time and locations
The TechnoPro Group is working to promote workstyles regardless of time or places for non-engineer employees (those involved in sales, recruiting, training, and other back office operations). We have introduced a flextime and telework system as a system that allows employees to choose the time and space they work, easing the burden of commuting and promoting the balance of work and childcare. We are also promoting flexible arrangements regarding the work locations and hours for engineers engaged in dispatch and contract work based on their job sites.
*Companies introducing the telecommuting and flextime systems: TechnoPro Holdings, Inc., TechnoPro, Inc., TechnoPro Construction, Inc.
Roundtable discussion with female Outside Directors and female employees
The Group hosted a roundtable discussion, which was facilitated by CEO Yagi and attended by female Outside Directors Shoko Takase and Rumiko Tanabe as panelists, gathering 39 female employees from our headquarters. Following the explanations about their roles and responsibilities as Outside Directors as well as their personal career paths, a lively Q&A session was held with the female employees. A video of the event, posted on our intranet web portal, has been viewed by numerous employees regardless of gender or position. We will continue to promote initiatives to create a workplace where females can play an even greater role.
Personnel evaluation system
The TechnoPro Group has introduced a personnel evaluation system to improve the satisfaction and motivation of employees, and motivating their skill and career development.
Engineers and Researchers
The new personnel system introduced in 2022 is designed as an important tool for growth and career development of engineers and researchers. The system also aims to establish and improve their “market value.” The TechnoPro Group defines talent with high “market value” as those who possess both “technical skills: the power of technology” and “business skills: the power of talent” at a high level. We believe it is crucial to hone both “technical skills in specialized fields” and “versatile business execution skills” simultaneously. Therefore, our evaluation criteria are based not only on technical aspects but also on the Group’s behavioral guidelines “Our Six Commitments for Excellence.” We aim to create a “virtuous cycle” where our engineers identify and enhance their own “market value,” and become essential talent for customers, thereby contributing to both the Company’s growth and the improvement of their compensation.

In this system, we categorize job responsibilities and expected roles, defining “ranks” to indicate career levels and “job types” to indicate career paths. It was designed to enable each individual to clearly envision respective goals and skills to be acquired for self-development. Employees who have reached higher ranks are positioned as individuals who demonstrate more specialized expertise and skills. By offering employees with variety of job types that enable them to realize various career paths, they can proactively choose the “direction” of career path based on their strengths and expertise. Additionally, we have established a basic policy that “employees with equal ‘market value’ should be provided with equal career development opportunities and equal treatment,” regardless of the company or organization they belong to.

Non-engineers (Sales, Recruiters, Staffs)
The personnel system for non-engineers (those involved in sales, recruiting, training, and other back office operations) is based on the Basic Policy of “being fair and transparent.” We encourage employees to understand their roles and expectations, and to maximize their performance based on this understanding. Multiple personnel courses are established to align with the job content, expected roles, and employees’ career aspirations. Employees can move between these courses as their career orientation changes. In personnel evaluations, we set evaluation criteria based on the “Core Values,” which reflect the ideas and behaviors outlined in the behavioral guidelines “Our Six Commitments for Excellence.” These evaluations consider not only performance and results but also the individual’s ability in daily tasks and behavior. Employees conduct self-evaluations semi-annually, which are followed by the feedback from their supervisors. Promotion reviews are generally conducted once a year based on the scores from these self-evaluations.
Welfare systems
To ensure that employees can perform actively without anxiety regardless of their life stage, we provide various benefits, company housing, and allowances to support qualification acquisition and self-improvement. We also offer education programs to support employees in reaching individual career goals, or trainings to improve management skills. Furthermore, we carry out in-house recruitment to promote proactive career development.
Parental Childcare Support System
One of the concerns about taking childcare leave is financial loss. To create an environment where both men and women can take childcare leave without anxiety while assuring a balance between work and childcare, we have introduced a Parental Childcare Support System to compensate for all or part of the salary income reduced due to childcare leave.
Excellent employees benefits offering company (general)

We were listed in the “Excellent Employee Benefit Promotion Company General Section” under “Employees Benefits Award and Certification System (Hataraku Yell)” which is promoted by Employees Benefits Award and Certification Committee. The TechnoPro Group will continue to improve the retention of its employees and curb the turnover rate by enhancing and strengthening our HR and employees benefits system.
Life plan support
We provide a “TechnoPro Group Employee Stock Ownership Plan,” “Retirement Benefits (Corporate Defined Contribution Pension System)” and a “Savings System” to support employees’ asset formation. We also encourage employees to independently work towards asset building after retirement by providing information on asset management and investment in defined contribution pension plans. In addition, we are making efforts to support employees’ life plans by methods such as holding free “money seminars.”
Group HR and welfare systems
*System implementation may differ across group companies.
Vacation and leave policies, work and break policies |
Various allowance and expense subsidy policies |
Health and social insurance related |
Work Life Balance |
Asset building support |
Other |
Internal club / society support system
The TechnoPro Group introduced “internal club/society support system” in July 2014, encouraging employees’ activities. Through this system, we provide assistance for a portion of expenses for the activity of internal clubs or societies which has a certain number of employee members and certified from the Company. Membership of these clubs and societies are open to employees’ family and friends and even customers, fostering a broad range of communication through their common interest or activity.
The TechnoPro Group has shop-based labor union “UA Zensen (The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers’ Unions) Human Resource Service General Union (JSGU).” Throughout the year, labor and management share information on business performance and hold discussions based primarily on solving HR related issues. Going forward, as well as continuing to maintain sound labor-management relationship through close communication, we strive to create an appropriate business management environment and a rewarding workplace.