Occupational Safety and Health Management

The TechnoPro Group Health Management Declaration / Health Promotion Structure

1. The TechnoPro Group Health Management Declaration

The TechnoPro Group believes that employee health is an important business resource and the source of corporate vitality. Based on this belief, we declare our commitment to health promotion initiatives.

We believe that employee quality of life is what leads to true ongoing value for our customers and is what makes corporate value growth possible.

We engage in health management as the foundation for contributing to future abundance, serving as a corporate group that grows sustainably together with society.

Basic Policy on Health Management

  1. We take actions to create a safe, appropriate work environment and welfare systems that allow employees to maximize and express their talents supported by physical and mental health.
  2. We help employees cultivate better health with initiatives based on health maintenance and promotion policies, including education and healthy lifestyle information.
  3. We pursue greater organizational and individual activity, productivity, and creativity through health management initiatives.

*The term “health and productivity management” is a registered trademark of the Workshop for the Management of Health on Company and Employee.

Takeshi Yagi
President, and Representative Director and CEO
TechnoPro Holdings, Inc.

2. Health Promotion Structure

Health Management Strategy Map (FY22.6-FY26.6)

Initiatives for mental and physical health

We are putting effort into health support based on the belief that vigorous work from physically and mentally healthy employees leads to a vibrant company. We are enhancing our various consultation services, beginning with the introduction of EAP services, as well as providing thorough health checkups, working to improve our stress check take-up rate, and other initiatives.

Recognized as a “Health Management Outstanding Organization Program (Large Enterprise Category)”

We have been recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi as a “Health Management Outstanding Organization Program (Large Enterprise Category)” for five consecutive years, starting in 2020. The program recognizes corporations, including large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises, that practice outstanding health management.

Initiatives for General Health

Health Promotion Support Navi
We have established a "Health Promotion Support Navi" page on our internal portal site to provide information and consultation regarding the physical and mental health of our employees and support for balancing work and medical treatment.

Health information in the in-house website
We provide health information in our in-house website, the TechnoPro Square.

Regular health checkups
All employees received regular health checkups in 2023.

Stress check test
A stress check test is conducted once a year for all employees.

Latest Health Management Metrics in 2023

  • Absenteeism:2.7days ※1
  • Presenteeism:70.0% ※2
  • Work Engagement:2.6points ※3

Scope of reporting:TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. / TechnoPro, Inc. / TechnoPro Construction, Inc. / TechnoPro Smile, Inc.
※1 The average number of days all employees have used the sick leave system
※2 The average number of responses from all participants to a question about their physical condition in a company-specific survey
※3 The average response value for two work engagement-related questions in the "Brief Job Stress Questionnaire"

Response to the spread of coronavirus infection

  • Establishment of "Mental Health Care Consultation Service for Coronavirus
  • Introduction of telecommuting and flextime systems
  • Relaxed restrictions on the use of private vehicles for commuting
  • Introduced a special paid leave system for an employee who tests positive, becomes a close contact, or has to deal with a school closure.
  • Develop guidelines of infection prevention for employees.

Initiatives for Mental health

The TechnoPro Group has formulated a "Mental Health Development Plan" based on the "Four Care for Mental Health" guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and is working to ensure that all employees can work with vitality and vigor.
In addition, we have established regular debriefing sessions on the mental health measures of the outsourced EAP companies and our Group, and the results are reported to the board of directors for reflection and improvement in the next year's action plan.

Employees receive support from qualified consultants to ensure maximum individual performance
The TechnoPro Group has established a consultation desk for issues confronting employees, allowing employees to devote themselves to their work and maximize their performance.
This consultation is provided by qualified personnel who have a wealth of specialized knowledge and experience. We also have a support system in place to resolve problems and reduce stress before they become major issues.

Having a full lineup of consultants familiar with technical industries and issues faced by engineers. Dispatching counselors familiar with technical industries and the business of our group (dispatching/contracting/outsourcing, etc.) means we are able to respond smoothly to issues unique to our business. These can include being unable to communicate clearly with staff in charge at the assigned destination, personal relationships within the project team, and differences in policies between dispatcher and dispatched staff.

Fostering an approachable organizational culture
It takes courage for a troubled employee to seek counselling and, in some cases, they may not be aware of needing help. Techno-Pro Group conducts mental health self-care awareness (for employees) and training in line care (for supervisors) to promote the importance of ‘recognizing symptoms early.’ The company strives to create an atmosphere in which people feel comfortable to accept counselling.

Mental health counselling
TechnoPro provides professional counselling via a subcontracted EAP (Employee Assistance Program) company. In addition to mental health, counselling on the following is also available:

  • Work related matters: Human relations at work, future career path, etc.
  • Family life: Childcare, nursing care, marital relationships, parent-child relationships, child problems, etc.
  • Social life: Living environment, cross-cultural support, etc.
  • Life events: Sickness, marriage, divorce, etc.

Safety and Health at Workplace

The TechnoPro Group complies with the Labor Standards Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, and other relevant laws and regulations to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. The Compliance Committee (an organization under the ERM Committee) and the Health Committee at each business site share information and discuss issues to prevent work-related accidents and employee illness. We also follow up to ensure the occupational health and safety training participation rate reaches 100%. In addition, we regularly report to the Board of Directors on health and safety risks such as overtime and overwork.

Number of work-related accidents and fatalities due to work-related accidents Guidelines

Number of Work-related accidents / Fatalities due to work-related accidents / Accident rate per 1,000 employees (ESG Data Book)